super hero project
super hero project

L’associazione americana contatta personalmente, tramite un volontario che li va a trovare in ospedale, bambini e/o ragazzi con gravi malattie per farsi raccontare come si immaginano se fossero dei supereroi. Seguentemente a noi disegnatori fornisce la foto dell’interessato (che per ovvie ragioni deve rimanere riservata) con una breve intervista e descrizione. Una volta che il disegno è concluso l’associazione provvede a stampare il disegno e consegnarlo personalmente al bambino.

Vedere la foto del bambino felice con il mio disegno in mano davvero non ha prezzo.

Se avete voglia di fare felice dei bambini e farli distrarre un pò dalle loro dificoltà, contattate l’associazione a questo indirizzo web, oppure instagram @superhero_project18 . Se cercate li trovate anche su facebook.

Qui riporto il testo in inglese della loro mission:
“When children are facing a serious illness or disability, they call on enormous reserves of resilience, strength and courage.  We often hear doctors, parents and caregivers referring to them as “superheroes.”  The Superhero Project is designed to encourage and inspire youth to create a Superhero Alter-Ego to help them face these challenges, and to create a unique art piece for the superheroes and their families to treasure.”

This illustration is part of the non-profit project “The Super Hero Project”. The American association contacts personally, through a volunteer who visits them in hospital, children and / or young people with serious illnesses to be told how they imagine if they were superheroes. Following us association provides a photo of the person concerned (which for obvious reasons must remain confidential) with a short interview and description. Once the drawing is finished, the association prints the drawing and hands it over personally to the child.

Seeing the picture of the happy child with my drawing in hand is really priceless.

If you want to make children happy and distract them a little from their difficulties, contact the association at this web address, or instagram @superhero_project18 . If you are looking for them you can also find them on facebook.